First of all: Many thanks for your plusses and kind words I received the last weeks. Today I would point to something else than Photography.
Some years ago I discovered the work of Seashepherd and I has also been pointed to the Oceanic Preservation Society which does a lot of work for species protection. Maybe they are also interesting for you, so feel fre to have a look at their sites. Now also also found a interesting project to cleanup our oceans, which looks crazy in the first place, but I think, it can work and I absolutely believe in that. Don't get me wrong, I am not personally involved in this project and will get no kind of benefit if point to that, except the feeling, that many people together can get this goal. Pls have a look at or at the other two sites:
Many thanks!
#seashepherd #oceanicpreservationsociety #theoceancleanup